Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Stars and Stripes, U.S. Flag

Evolution of the U.S. Flag

Initially, the U.S. flag has red and white stripes as many as 13 pieces with the Union Jack in the left corner. Number 13 is the number of British colonies to escape, including New York, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia.

In 1777, the Union Jack removed the U.S. flag on the grounds of ineligibility. Replaced with star pieces representing as many as 13 states. The entry of two new states in 1794 made the U.S. congress must again change their flag with an additional 2 stars and stripes again. Then, added another 5 states and congress just add a star if the line coupled with reason will only make the flag look crowded.

The civil war led to the emergence of joint Confederation States of America who wish to make their own flag which they called the Stars and Bars, the number of lines in 3 pieces and 7 stars in the upper left circle. The President refused to reduce the number of stars in the official U.S. flag.

During the war, the number of states increased to 35 pieces. After that, 11 states increased again in 1908. In 1912, 2 stars grow again until it reaches 48 states. In 1960, 50 fulfilled the star and survived to the present.

The Countries

The 50 states of the United States are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan , Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Alaskan and Hawaiian are the second youngest U.S. states.

Friday, August 31, 2012

United States Culture

State Multicultural

The United States is a multicultural country. Culture United States also varies because of diverse people from all kinds of tribes, nations, religions and skin colors.

No specific culture that is owned by the United States because the United States is basically a multicultural country. As a multicultural country, the United States of freeing its citizens to bring the original culture of the area of origin, whatever it is.

Hard Work and Culture for the Better

One of the U.S. culture that has become a hallmark of the country is the culture of "hard work" and "to always be doing better."

See, almost all the population of the United States have a high work ethic and outstanding. They are also not easily discouraged though perhaps the failure was experienced numerous times.

They are always trying to be better day by day. This is the culture of the United States which shall be imitated and emulated by other nations, including Indonesia. With hard work, the United States can become a superpower.

High Uphold Freedom

One characteristic of the United States the other culture is freedom in all fields. Yes. United States is a country that upholds freedom. Whatever can be done there as long as no coercion?

Culture that upholds the freedom to make the United States a very liberal state. Everything is there, whether they are positive or negative.

That is positive among all types of advances from various fields who can provide benefits to others, such as the invention of social networking sites, Microsoft, and technology. United States is believed to be the forerunner of all sorts of advances from various fields.

Nevertheless, the culture of freedom that exists in the United States also needs to watch out because it can have negative consequences, such as free sex.

It's no secret that the United States is the country that most people do a lot of free sex. All sorts of media, both print and electronic media, free sex cultures penetrated by this. Negative result is that many other countries to follow the U.S. culture negative.

Filters for Other Countries

U.S. culture has two different sides, including the positive and negative sides. As a country that upholds the traditional east and decency, we should filter the United States culture into Indonesia.

Not all cultures the United States can be replicated and applied in Indonesia. All you need do is mimic a positive culture, like the culture of hard work and always wanted to be the best. Not on the contrary, that mimics the U.S. culture of freedom in all areas.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Statue of Liberty as a symbol of global freedom

Statue of Liberty, or Liberty Enlightening the World full, a colossal statue that stood on Liberty Island (formerly called Bedloe's Island), which was the port of New York. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, and the islands nearby, Ellis Island, declared a national monument in 1924.

Statue of Liberty in the United States is a sculpture made from bronze that was passed on October 28, 1886, and later became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

The giant statue of the iconic American country was a statue gifted by France to the United States as an icon of welcome to the visitors or the Americans who want to return to the country. The statue was also made by the designer who designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Statue of Liberty in the U.S. As a symbol Freedom

French sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, was a designer of the Statue of Liberty. The statue itself was awarded by France to the United States to commemorate 100 years of independence of the United States in 1876.

The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom in the figure of a woman wearing a robe and crown taper fly while carrying a torch in her right hand and a book inscribed "July 4, 1776". A broken chain lying at her feet, symbolizing the overthrow of tyranny. Women are often referred to as the goddess of liberty because in addition to wearing robes similar to the dress or clothing used in the Greek goddess, the statue also has positions that are full of meaning independence.

    Construction of the Statue of Liberty

French people raise funds to finance the making of sculpture. Meanwhile, donations from the United States to finance the manufacture of pedestal (ground sculpture) and the installation of the statue.

In the United States, raising funds for the manufacture of Pedestal running slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (who is famous for his Pulitzer Prize) in a newspaper editorial pages, The World, gives an appeal to support the fundraising efforts. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize the rich United States is not able to finance the construction of the pedestal. Pulitzer also criticized the middle class who rely on the wealthy to provide the funds. Harsh criticism Pulitzer successfully motivates the American people to give donations.

Funds are sufficient in the manufacture of Pedestal in August 1885. Thus, the construction can be completed in April 1886. Meanwhile, the Statue of Liberty was completed in France in July 1884 and the statue arrived at the Port of New York in June 1885.

The Statue of Liberty was brought to the United States using the French frigate "Isere". In delivery, the Statue of Liberty was divided into 350 pieces and packed in 214 crates. Statue of Liberty re-assembled at the new pedest for four months.

On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled by President Grover Cleveland in front of thousands of visitors. Hundred years of independence gift ten years late.

    Giant Sized Statue

Statue of Liberty made of bronze sheets mounted on a steel frame. This statue is one of the world's largest sculptures. Ukurannya93, 5 meters from the base of the pedestal to the tip of the torch. The figure of 46.4 meter tall statue of himself, with the right arm along the 12.8 m and hand along 5.03 meters. Head of the statue, which can be reached by stairs or elevator emergency, height 8.5 meters measured from the neck to the crown, while the right ear to left ear length is 3.05 meters. Weight of the Statue of Liberty around 54 tons.

    Symbol Global Freedom

Statue of Liberty, which was originally a symbol of international friendship, now has become a global symbol of freedom that greeted the arrival of millions of immigrants in the United States. In 1903, the sonnet "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, U.S. poet inscribed on the pedestal main gate. The poem The New Colossus talking about millions of immigrants who arrived in the United States through Ellis Island in New York Harbor.

This is the last five arrays "The New Colossus":

Give me your tired, your poor
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The Wretched refuse of your Teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, Tempest-tost to me;
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Statue of Liberty in Mass Culture

In the science of semiotics, everything can be a myth that can move the world as desired by a group. So is the Statue of Liberty in America is often linked with the global symbol of freedom which is owned and distributed by the state.

When viewed at a glance, maybe the Statue of Liberty is just a majestic art made to heed the views of the visitors who come to America. However, there is a kind of ideology disguised the semiotic can open of the statue.

Sculpture is a giant statue, which means something big, can be seen by anyone in a state or a little distance away, and known to many as an icon superpower. That is, the bigger owned Statue of Liberty is not only showed the grand and romantic relationship between the state and the greatness of France with the United States alone.

The bigger this may have an ambiguous meaning or ideology. On the one hand, the French state as a state that gives the statue as a symbol of gift giving that our country is a country sexed women feel the freedom as granting by the French state.

Indirectly, the statue gives the sense that the French state is a big country that can provide greater freedom to the American nation. In fact, almost the whole world knows that the U.S. is a very developed country has the power and authority in the eyes of the world.

Then on the other hand, the statue was also a symbol and proof that our country who do not have a clear cultural roots like other big countries, it is able to stand independent even greater than that of other developed countries.

Liberalism in the Statue of Liberty

If Statue of Liberty was originally set up as a symbol of freedom, meaning statue is not only intrinsically patterned on freedom. There is value in the ideology of political sculpture that freedom in sin I as well as the concept of liberalism that is clearly visible from the system of government and politics in the country.

Broadly speaking may be freedom here, as well as the freedom that can be owned by individuals in an effort to improve the life of them. From start to faith or religion, freedom of speech, hang out, and all sorts of aspects of life is seen as a right full every American citizen and every foreigner who has also come or stay in the United States.

However, over time, these freedoms became blurred and a free meaning that no longer focus on human rights. America became a country whose thirst for power because almost all the countries who disagree with bullied for various reasons.

Even after the WTC bombing incident in September 2001, prompting the U.S. to be very afraid of freedom. The country then boycotts those who are identified as Muslim or Islam so that people who live there to be wary of social discrimination of the government agencies in the country.

From these examples, it can be concluded that freedom and liberty are not the only good that can be symbolized by the Statue of Liberty in America. The statue may be a myth that developed for deceive world to always see the greatness that is owned by the United States and the freedom offered by the country to another country in order to be subdued.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an agency established by the government of the United States. The institute was given responsibility for all activities related to space activities carried U.S. government.

On the other hand, NASA is also given the task to conduct space research program in general in the long run. It was established on July 29, 1958, and based in Washington DC, USA. Research conducted by NASA’s not just for the sake of civil society, but also in the interest of the military.

In this activity, NASA has a mission to uncover the various mysteries that exist in space. That is why, the official government agency NASA is the world's most frequently doing research in space. Well done by sending astronauts or done by using modern tools such as the space shuttle unmanned aircraft.

No wonder, with their activity vigorous requires substantial funds for operational expenses institution. Within a year, NASA can spend is 17, 6 billion U.S. dollars. This is as reported by the financial records from NASA.

The fund is not only used to fund any operating their space. But it is also used to pay 18 800 employees who worked there.

Space History

Humans have started to travel into space since the 70s. At that time, the two superpower, the U.S. and the Soviet Union was the first country in the world to successfully execute the mission trip into space.

In the United States and its allies, who travels into space called astronauts? While in the Soviet Union, the term human to travel into space is known as a cosmonaut.

Meanwhile, when a Chinese citizen who successfully completed the mission's airspace, called by the name Taikonot. Taikonot term introduced since 2003, when Yang Liwei managed to become the first taikonot from Asia.

In general, the astronauts / cosmonauts have a military background with specialties of fighter pilots. In the U.S., a fighter pilot who successfully completed the training and have a sign special space qualifications, awarded astronaut called Badge. The award was given after they followed their training and a flight into space.

To date, 32 countries have registered as their sending astronauts into space. And recorded, there were 19 people who failed and astronauts have died while performing their missions into space. In addition, there are ten candidates for astronauts who died when they had an accident while doing exercises on earth.

The first human journey out of space made by Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin Vostok 1 by plane. This trip took place on 12 April 1961. While the first woman to successfully go out space Valentina Tereshkova was a citizen of the Soviet Union in June 1963 by using airplane Vostok 6.

Meanwhile, Alan Shepard was the first American to lead the band astronauts into space. They make the trip on May 5, 1961. While the first American woman to successfully go out space was Sally Ride by plane Chalenger mission STS 7. The trip begins June 18, 1983.

While the first man from Asia who worked out the sky is Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei went out to the driving space flight Shenzhou 5 on October 15, 2003.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Philosophy of the State of America

"I have a dream," said Martin Luther King Jr... What is the American dream? The answer is freedom and prosperity. That is why when Obama was elected, the American public cheers. The stumbling block facing during tribal wars America: black and white, can be resolved.

Basis of the United States is unique. According to Abraham Lincoln, basic American is' of the people. By the people. For the people '. That is why the United States echoed democracy throughout the world, and a cop's world governing country in the world. Since the foundation of the United States is indeed a genuine democracy. United States is often a role model for developing countries to advance. The basic philosophy of the United States is said to inspire even the birth of Pancasila.

Philosophy and Values

John F. Kennedy in his famous speech saying "Do not ask what the country can do for you. But ask what you can do for your country. "This sentence is a potent weapon to make people serve his country. Nationalism was getting on. So what are the values that form the basis of the United States?

    Freedom. United States is the country that wants freedom. Even so freely. This freedom can be observed from the culture, film, politics, etc... America became the world about freedom mecca. Why there is free sex is not a taboo? Because freedom answer. U.S. gives full authority to the private affairs.

    Liberalism. Well, liberalism is the partner of freedom. Liberalism entrenched culture of U.S. society that does not want to be regulated. So the public affairs become increasingly narrow. The government is only taking care of the public sector is limited. The rest, the people taking care of himself. This value is reflected in the business sector, politics, etc...

    Democracy. United States is a first-class advocate of democracy. Democracy seems to be a new religion. Almost all countries in the world should be subject to the democratic system. Democracy is considered moderate, because it can unify and liberal extremes. Democracy is considered to lead to stability.

    National interest. National interest for the U.S. number one. When Obama returned home to Indonesia, is just nostalgia? Crazy, if so. Why we can see that the U.S. is too close to Israel and bias seen in the affairs of the Middle East. Even protect Jews. That's because the interest of U.S. national politics. Thus, the double standard is a common thing for the U.S... Consider just about Guantanamo, Iraq war, etc...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Location of Astronomical United States

Before further discussing the astronomical location of the United States, it is better if we know in advance what the location of astronomical is. Understanding the location of astronomical or commonly referred to as absolute location is the location of a region based on a particular coordinate system. Coordinate system used to determine the location of a place, usually a symbol of numbers or letters.

To determine the position of astronomical somewhere, including determining the location of astronomical United States can use a combination of latitude and longitude. The latitude is an imaginary line that circles the earth's surface drawn from west to east and vice versa, and parallel to the equator. Meanwhile, the longitude is an imaginary line drawn from the North Pole and the south pole or vice versa.

Location of Astronomical United States

United States of America or the United States of America is a country located on the North American continent. United States is a nation shaped by the federal president as head of state. The United States consists of 50 states. Of the 50 states in the United States, the 48 states of the United States are in the North American continent.

Meanwhile, the other two parts of the country and the youngest; the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and Alaska are located in the north of Canada. Then, where is the astronomical United States? If viewed in terms of astronomy, astronomical location of the United States is between 25 ° N - 49 ° N and 66 ° W - 125 ° west.

Based on the astronomical the United States, throughout the United States occupies a position in the northern hemisphere of the earth to the west and flanked by two vast oceans, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean on the side east.

Location of Astronomical United States - United States Border Region

The total area of the United States reached approximately 9.83 million km2. With the astronomical location of the United States as above, made the United States is directly adjacent to several other areas. The boundaries of the United States, which is in the south by Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico, to the north and northwest borders with Canada, to the west bordering the Pacific Ocean, and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean.

Location of Astronomical United States - Important City in the United States

Location of the United States astronomical contained between two oceans to make America as a very strategic area. Moreover, there are some important cities in the region that provide specific support to the progress of the United States.

Yes, in the United States, there are 6 major cities with his trademark respectively. The six major cities are as follows.

    Washington DC as the capital of the United States,
    New York is known as a trade center and the largest city in the United States,
    Boston which is the oldest city in the United States,
    Los Angeles with the Hollywood icon as the center of the film industry and is the second most populous city in the United States after New York City,
    Philadelphia as a center of art and the port city, and
    Chicago became the center of commerce and industry.

Location of Astronomical United States - United States seen from landscape nature is

Location of astronomical United States in terms of land forms; there are several key areas which are as follows.

1. Location of Astronomical United States - Landscape beaches by region

when viewed by region coast, the United States has the potential for some form of coastal areas that could be potential natural resource. Among the potential that exists is the Pacific Ocean in the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico in the south coast region.

Pacific Ocean bordering the territory of the United States is the western coastline stretching from north to south. The area which is North America is potentially because there are dense forests. The area stretches North America is a major producer of timber and dairy farm areas.

In addition to the potential plains region, the United States also is producing a very rich marine fish. Also the central and southern Pacific coastline produced many major commodities such as fruit and vegetables
2. Location of Astronomical United States - Mountainous Landscape Based on Pacific

as well as the coastal regions, the United States is also famous for its mountain region stretching from north to south in the western plains of the United States. This mountainous area covers the mountains that are near the beach, the mountains of Nevada and Cascade mountains in the west. Also located in the Rocky Mountains east are separated by areas of forest National Park.

Rocky Mountain itself stretches from northern Alaska through Canada, then the United States until the Sangra de Cristo mountains in southern Mexico stretches into the Andes mountains to be called that covers several countries Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and the last is Venezuela. Countries through which the mountains are usually called the "Andean Countries" or Andean States.
3. Location of Astronomical United States - Landscape Based Lowlands

lying areas in the United States include lowland being around large lakes which have a border between Canada with United States commonly called the central plain. Lowlands are in the south east is an area of major rivers flow very well known, such as Mississippi River and Missouri.

The Mississippi River is the second longest river in the United States and flows in almost all states in the United States. Therefore, Mississippi River has become an important part in the United States. Than as a means of transportation, the river is also used as the western border of the United States when the United States became the first nation.

The Missouri River is a tributary of the Mississippi River. Although only as a tributary, but the river is longer than the Mississippi River. Upstream the river is in the Rocky Mountains. The river is also very important for people in the United States, especially for Native Americans in the Great Plains. Besides the river is also used as water transport.

4. Location of Astronomical United States - Mountainous Landscape Based Parent

this area includes the Appalachian mountain path that borders the Atlantic Coast region. Appalachian Mountains are a mountain located in the eastern North American continent, but almost all parts of the mountain is in the United States. Appalachians have a width that varies between 100 to 300 miles, while the average height of about 3,000 feet.

Effect of Location of Astronomical Against Climate U.S.

Location of the United States astronomical effect also to the climate there. The United States has a very broad and there is also a system of mountains that affect the climate variations. Climate in the United States from the tropical to the tundra. On the west coast maritime climate being, this area has a high rainfall.

Another west coast in the vicinity of the southern subtropical climates that are common disturbance of the natural form of storms, heavy snow, or tornadoes. Dry climates can be found in the Colorado plateau, whereas tropical marine climate located in the eastern islands of Hawaii and the United States to the peninsula of Florida. In the area of the North Pole (Alaska) and the cold climate in the valley up to the Canadian border temperate steppe.

Well, that's a glimpse of the reviews regarding the location of astronomical United States that writers can convey. May be useful!