Saturday, August 25, 2012

Statue of Liberty as a symbol of global freedom

Statue of Liberty, or Liberty Enlightening the World full, a colossal statue that stood on Liberty Island (formerly called Bedloe's Island), which was the port of New York. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, and the islands nearby, Ellis Island, declared a national monument in 1924.

Statue of Liberty in the United States is a sculpture made from bronze that was passed on October 28, 1886, and later became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

The giant statue of the iconic American country was a statue gifted by France to the United States as an icon of welcome to the visitors or the Americans who want to return to the country. The statue was also made by the designer who designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Statue of Liberty in the U.S. As a symbol Freedom

French sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, was a designer of the Statue of Liberty. The statue itself was awarded by France to the United States to commemorate 100 years of independence of the United States in 1876.

The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom in the figure of a woman wearing a robe and crown taper fly while carrying a torch in her right hand and a book inscribed "July 4, 1776". A broken chain lying at her feet, symbolizing the overthrow of tyranny. Women are often referred to as the goddess of liberty because in addition to wearing robes similar to the dress or clothing used in the Greek goddess, the statue also has positions that are full of meaning independence.

    Construction of the Statue of Liberty

French people raise funds to finance the making of sculpture. Meanwhile, donations from the United States to finance the manufacture of pedestal (ground sculpture) and the installation of the statue.

In the United States, raising funds for the manufacture of Pedestal running slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (who is famous for his Pulitzer Prize) in a newspaper editorial pages, The World, gives an appeal to support the fundraising efforts. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize the rich United States is not able to finance the construction of the pedestal. Pulitzer also criticized the middle class who rely on the wealthy to provide the funds. Harsh criticism Pulitzer successfully motivates the American people to give donations.

Funds are sufficient in the manufacture of Pedestal in August 1885. Thus, the construction can be completed in April 1886. Meanwhile, the Statue of Liberty was completed in France in July 1884 and the statue arrived at the Port of New York in June 1885.

The Statue of Liberty was brought to the United States using the French frigate "Isere". In delivery, the Statue of Liberty was divided into 350 pieces and packed in 214 crates. Statue of Liberty re-assembled at the new pedest for four months.

On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled by President Grover Cleveland in front of thousands of visitors. Hundred years of independence gift ten years late.

    Giant Sized Statue

Statue of Liberty made of bronze sheets mounted on a steel frame. This statue is one of the world's largest sculptures. Ukurannya93, 5 meters from the base of the pedestal to the tip of the torch. The figure of 46.4 meter tall statue of himself, with the right arm along the 12.8 m and hand along 5.03 meters. Head of the statue, which can be reached by stairs or elevator emergency, height 8.5 meters measured from the neck to the crown, while the right ear to left ear length is 3.05 meters. Weight of the Statue of Liberty around 54 tons.

    Symbol Global Freedom

Statue of Liberty, which was originally a symbol of international friendship, now has become a global symbol of freedom that greeted the arrival of millions of immigrants in the United States. In 1903, the sonnet "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, U.S. poet inscribed on the pedestal main gate. The poem The New Colossus talking about millions of immigrants who arrived in the United States through Ellis Island in New York Harbor.

This is the last five arrays "The New Colossus":

Give me your tired, your poor
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The Wretched refuse of your Teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, Tempest-tost to me;
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Statue of Liberty in Mass Culture

In the science of semiotics, everything can be a myth that can move the world as desired by a group. So is the Statue of Liberty in America is often linked with the global symbol of freedom which is owned and distributed by the state.

When viewed at a glance, maybe the Statue of Liberty is just a majestic art made to heed the views of the visitors who come to America. However, there is a kind of ideology disguised the semiotic can open of the statue.

Sculpture is a giant statue, which means something big, can be seen by anyone in a state or a little distance away, and known to many as an icon superpower. That is, the bigger owned Statue of Liberty is not only showed the grand and romantic relationship between the state and the greatness of France with the United States alone.

The bigger this may have an ambiguous meaning or ideology. On the one hand, the French state as a state that gives the statue as a symbol of gift giving that our country is a country sexed women feel the freedom as granting by the French state.

Indirectly, the statue gives the sense that the French state is a big country that can provide greater freedom to the American nation. In fact, almost the whole world knows that the U.S. is a very developed country has the power and authority in the eyes of the world.

Then on the other hand, the statue was also a symbol and proof that our country who do not have a clear cultural roots like other big countries, it is able to stand independent even greater than that of other developed countries.

Liberalism in the Statue of Liberty

If Statue of Liberty was originally set up as a symbol of freedom, meaning statue is not only intrinsically patterned on freedom. There is value in the ideology of political sculpture that freedom in sin I as well as the concept of liberalism that is clearly visible from the system of government and politics in the country.

Broadly speaking may be freedom here, as well as the freedom that can be owned by individuals in an effort to improve the life of them. From start to faith or religion, freedom of speech, hang out, and all sorts of aspects of life is seen as a right full every American citizen and every foreigner who has also come or stay in the United States.

However, over time, these freedoms became blurred and a free meaning that no longer focus on human rights. America became a country whose thirst for power because almost all the countries who disagree with bullied for various reasons.

Even after the WTC bombing incident in September 2001, prompting the U.S. to be very afraid of freedom. The country then boycotts those who are identified as Muslim or Islam so that people who live there to be wary of social discrimination of the government agencies in the country.

From these examples, it can be concluded that freedom and liberty are not the only good that can be symbolized by the Statue of Liberty in America. The statue may be a myth that developed for deceive world to always see the greatness that is owned by the United States and the freedom offered by the country to another country in order to be subdued.

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