Tuesday, November 15, 2011

United States is Superpower Country

United States is superpower now. Countries with a federal republican system of government have become a country that has the military power, economy, and high technology. Vast territory allows this country to be one of the major countries in the world. United States has a special attraction for immigrants to settle in America and be an American.

Population of the United States

Population of the United States that we see today have the same characteristics as the population on the European continent. But the truth is, before the Europeans came to America, the region is the Native Indian tribes. They have a skin color and characteristics that are different from Europeans. They inhabited the region for thousands of years. However, in the end the number of Indian tribes continues to decrease due to outbreaks of disease and war.

Superpower was formed from the former British colony. The formation of the American Revolution on July 4, 1776. This day is celebrated every year as the day of independence of the United States. Traces of the colonies agreed to form the alliance that came to be called the United States.

Progress United States

State is often called the land of Uncle Sam continues to advance into the state which controls industry. The influence of this country and spread more widely, and even the country at the center of technology after the outbreak of the cold war between the west block and east block. Block western United States and its allies, while the eastern bloc of the Soviet Union and its allies. After the Soviet Union broke up into several states, the United States became the sole superpower.

United States continues to innovate in the areas of technology, such as computers, the Internet, nuclear weapons, aircraft, and space travel. In fact, before technological rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Lunge this great country does not stop there. In the military field, the United States has done a lot of progress. In fact, since the 1990s, the U.S. became the world's policeman. United States have been involved in conflicts in other countries, such as in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia, Liberia, and the First Gulf War. The United States also managed to drop the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Police also managed to rid the world of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq in the second Gulf War. However, in 2008, the country is experiencing an economic crisis called global crisis whose effects have great impact on other countries.